Apply for a
Survivor Grant
Who can apply?
The application will open on March 20, 2021. The number of recipients who will be selected will be evaluated based upon donation totals when all applications have been received and announced on April 16th, which was Salathiel’s birthday. The application can be filled out by anyone, but please note that a medical history verification form will also need to be submitted that has been signed by a licensed medical professional by whom the patient was treated. To receive an email notification of when the application will open, please subscribe to our email newsletter.
When can I apply?
The DeLoach Lupus Foundation, Savannah Ga Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to lupus survivorship by providing assistance to young adults who are fighting lupus and in financial need. This is accomplished through our lupus survivor grant program. The amount of each grant depends on the availability of funds and resources, but is approximately $1,000
Application Criteria
All candidates must meet the following criteria, and be able to provide the information below. If you are unsure about something, please contact us with any specific questions.
The applicant must be between the ages of 18 and 30 years old.
The applicant must live is Savannah, and surrounding counties (Bryan, Effingham, Liberty, McIntosh, Bulloch, Evans, and Screven).
The applicant must be in a state of financial need having either lost their job, experienced sustained major wage losses, or have limited employment opportunities.
The applicant should be able to explain how lupus has affected their current financial situation
The applicant must complete a medical history verification form that has been signed by a licensed medical professional by whom you were treated
Privacy & HIPPA
The DeLoach Lupus Foundation Savannah Ga. Inc. will uphold the privacy of each applicant, but we do ask that if an applicant is selected for the grant, that they also agree to have their name, photo, and brief story published onto our website and/or social media. All other information gathered through our application process is kept secure and confidential.